5 best ways to Free SSL Certificate
How Can I Get an SSL Certificate for Free?
Free SSL certificate is something everyone looking for nowadays. In the early days, many websites couldn't afford an SSL certificate because of their price. Which left numerous websites defenseless against information and data protection. However, you can get it very cheap or even for free. It depends on the method you choose to get it. It does not just provide extra security to your website's data but also improves SEO rank in the search result.
Free SSL certificate
A non-benefit venture called Let's Encrypt chosen to fix this by building up a free declaration specialist.

SSL For Free
SSL for free is one the fastest and easiest way to get a free Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate. SSL For Free are leading website now a day for providing a free SSL certificate over 2,000,000+ Free SSL Certificates Created
You just have to do a few clicks and enter your domain name, in minutes you will get your SSL certificate.
100% Free Forever
Widely Trusted
The free SSL certificates are trusted by 99.9% of all major browsers.
Enjoy SSL Benefits
Protect user data & gain trust, improve Search Engine Ranking and prevent forms of website hacking.
Cloud Flare
Cloud Flare is CDN & Security Company. They make your website faster and secure. Cloud Flare power many popular sites including Reddit, yelp, Mozilla, StackOverflow, etc.
Recently, Cloud Flare announced universal SSL in free for all the users. That’s right even if you are in the free plan. If you are using Cloud Flare and SSL is not yet activated then here, you can do it quickly.
- Login into Cloud Flare
- Select the website you want to enable SSL
- Click on Crypto icon
- Configure it as “Flexible” and status shows as “ACTIVE CERTIFICATE.”
Try a totally free SSL Certificate for 90 days. You will be able to add it and use it normally in only a few minutes, under your own domain, with any additional costs. With this trial certificate, you will be able to obtain and try a real SSL certificate for one of your domains. In addition, you will be able to try our fantastic SSL Certificate management area, where you can manage your SSL certificates with ease.
- Login into MRDomain
- Verify the confirmation code sent to you via your email address in order to get the free SSL certificate.
- After automatic validation, you will be able to install and try this certificate in your website in only a few minutes
- With this trial SSL certificate, you will be able to add SSL to one domain. Working with or without “www”.
- You can use this SSL Certificate Trial period with all your domain portfolio if you want, but only once per domain.
Basic SSL is one of the most popular certificates right now! Try it now, free for 90 days!
Free Trial SSL is domain validated and fully automated, which means you will be able to start protecting your e-commerce, logins, and more in just a few minutes. Free Trial SSL activates the browser padlock and https and assures your customers that you take security seriously.
Comodo Free Certificate is a fully functional Digital Certificate that is valid for 90 days. It is as trusted as their paid SSL certificates. This means the free certificate is recognized and trusted by 99.9% of all browsers and devices and can immediately secure your website. Your visitors will see the green padlock and won't see security warnings related to SSL certificate.
Benefits of Free SSL Certificate:
- SSL Certificate at zero cost for 90 days (other CAs offer only 30 day free trials)
- Issued online in minutes with no paperwork or delays
- Highest strength 2048 bit signatures / 256 bit encryption
- Signed from the same trusted root as our paid certificates
- Recognized by all major browsers and devices.
Still Confused? Need Help?
Are you still confused about the SSL certificate? Wondering how to get it for your website or don't know much technical stuff. Contact us today and we will help you to install a free SSL certificate on your website for free. Check our Services for more details.